Masses Celebrated at Jasna Góra
Individual Masses:
You can request an individual Mass either in person at Jasna Góra or online. These Masses are celebrated in the order they are received, without specifying the time, date, or place. If you wish to have a Mass on a specific day and at a specific time, please contact the Custodian's Office by email ( Remember to do this four months in advance.
Collective Masses:
Collective Masses are celebrated in the Chapel of the Miraculous Image of Our Lady on Wednesdays at 7:00 AM and on Saturdays at 3:30 PM. Please note that the content of collective Mass intentions is not read out during these Masses.
Perpetual Masses:
Perpetual Masses, for both the living and the deceased, are celebrated daily in the Chapel of Our Lady at 7:00 AM. Intentions are fulfilled from the day after they are received. Join in the continuous prayer for your loved ones!
Gregorian Masses:
Gregorian Masses for the deceased consist of 30 individual Mass intentions celebrated daily for 30 consecutive days. To schedule a date, please contact the Custodian's Office.
How to Request a Holy Mass at Jasna Góra?
- Opening Hours:
- Monday-Friday: 6:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays: until 1:00 PM
- Daily from 1:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Locations within the Sanctuary:
- Vestibule of the Basilica
- Near the entrance gates
Other Ways to Submit Intentions:
- Send a postal order to the Custodian's address or make a bank transfer (details below). In the title, write the content of your intention.
- If the intention is too long, use a postal order or transfer and write "sending a letter" in the title.
- After receiving the letter, email, postal order, or transfer, we will schedule the Holy Mass and inform the sender.
Contact for Urgent Matters:
- Contact the Custodian's Office directly:
- Phone: 0 34 37 77 207
- Email:
Intentions for the Jasna Góra Appeal:
- Through Radio Jasna Góra via the Great Book of Appeal Prayers.
Office of the Custodian of the Sanctuary
Custodian of Jasna Góra
Pauline Monastery of Jasna Góra
ul. Kordeckiego 2, 42-225 Częstochowa, Poland
Account for payments in PLN – for mass intentions:
21 1600 1097 0002 3405 5050 0156
Pauline Monastery of Jasna Góra
ul. Kordeckiego 2, 42-225 Częstochowa, Poland
Foreign currency accounts:
USD: PL77 1600 1097 0002 3405 5050 0021
EUR: PL50 1600 1097 0002 3405 5050 0022
BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A.
1st Branch of Częstochowa
ul. ks. Jerzego Popiełuszki 2, 42-200 Częstochowa, Poland
Online payments: