Jasna Góra - English – Support the Shrine

Support the Shrine

June 12, 2024, 3:28 p.m., M L

Dear Friend of the Jasna Góra Shrine,

Have you ever felt a desire in your heart to be part of something greater, something that will endure for centuries? The Jasna Góra Shrine is a place of rich history, spiritual significance, and a unique atmosphere. Here, thousands of faithful from around the world find their way to God, peace, hope, and life inspiration.

Today, we turn to you for support for our Shrine. Your help is invaluable in maintaining and developing this sacred place. Thanks to your generosity, we can continue our mission, ensuring that everyone who crosses the threshold of Jasna Góra finds solace and spiritual strength.

Why Support the Jasna Góra Shrine?

Spiritual Heritage: The Jasna Góra Shrine is one of the most important pilgrimage sites in Poland and the world. It houses the miraculous icon of Our Lady of Częstochowa, which has attracted pilgrims from around the world for centuries. Your support helps us preserve this priceless spiritual heritage.

Daily Prayer for Benefactors: Every day, we offer a Holy Mass for our benefactors, praying for their intentions. During the Jasna Góra Appeal, we also remember you, thanking God for your support and asking for blessings for you and your loved ones.

Maintenance and Renovation: Your support allows us to take care of the historic buildings and surroundings of the sanctuary. Thanks to your generosity, we can carry out necessary renovations to ensure that this holy place can serve future generations.

Online Broadcasts and Radio Jasna Góra: Your support enables us to conduct online broadcasts and through Radio Jasna Góra, allowing millions of faithful worldwide to participate in services, Holy Masses, and other religious events, regardless of their location. This extends the spiritual community of the Shrine globally.

Spiritual and Social Initiatives: Your donation allows us to organize numerous spiritual, educational, and social initiatives. Through these, thousands of people can draw closer to God, deepen their faith, and find meaning in their daily lives.

Helping Those in Need: By supporting the Jasna Góra Shrine, you also help in carrying out charitable activities. Your help allows us to support people in difficult life situations, giving them hope and support.

Your donation, no matter its size, has a huge impact. It helps us maintain the Shrine in excellent condition and organize numerous spiritual and social initiatives that help thousands of people draw closer to God and find meaning in their daily lives.

Join our Friends and together let’s build the future of the Jasna Góra Shrine. Your support is not just an act of kindness – it is an investment in a spiritual heritage that will last for generations. Together, we can achieve great things.

Thank you for your heart and generosity. May Our Lady of Jasna Góra surround you with her care and guide you every day.

With prayers and gratitude,

The Pauline Fathers.

Support Jasna Góra by Donating a Voluntary Amount via TPay or PayPal





Payment Title: Donation / Gift

Odbiorca (Recipient)
Klasztor OO. Paulinów Jasna Góra
ul. o. Augustyna Kordeckiego 2
42-225 Częstochowa, Polska

Foreign Currency Accounts:

USD: PL77 1600 1097 0002 3405 5050 0021
EUR: PL50 1600 1097 0002 3405 5050 0022

BNP Paribas Bank Polska S. A.
I Oddział Częstochowa
ul. ks. Jerzego Popiełuszki 2
42-200 Częstochowa