Jasna Góra - English – Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

June 12, 2024, 4 p.m., M L

Privacy Policy

1. Browsing the website www.jasnagora.pl does not require registration or creating a user account. In such cases, users are not required to provide any personal data covered by GDPR regulations. The owner/administrator of the site does not require and does not collect any personal data.

2. While using the site, all users remain anonymous, and completed contact forms (Requests to the Blessed Virgin Mary) are sent only to the designated mailbox and are not shared with third parties.

3. During the user's visits to the site, certain information may be collected regarding their use of the site and the devices they use to view the site's content. This information includes: IP address, type and settings of the web browser and device, operating system, mobile network data, location data, browser interactions, system activity data, the date and time of the visit, and demographic data.

4. The owner/administrator of the site processes the information mentioned in point 2 solely for the purposes related to ensuring the security of the user's stay on the site, for analytical and statistical purposes, and does not use it to identify the user, nor does it share it with third parties.


5. We inform you that the site uses cookies. Cookies are small text files sent by the web server and saved on the end device (e.g., laptop, tablet, smartphone) used by the person browsing the site. Cookies are used to ensure the proper functioning, optimal use of the site's functionalities, improve its structure and content, and for statistical and advertising purposes.

6. The site uses persistent and session cookies. Persistent cookies are stored on the user's device for a period specified within their own parameters or until they are deleted by the user. Session cookies are temporary files that are automatically deleted after the user's visit to the site or after the current session of their web browser ends.

7. We inform you that the site uses Google Analytics, provided by Google LLC, which is used by the administrator for site analytics, and server log technology to enable users to access and browse the site's content.

8. Furthermore, we inform you that in the case of pages containing external service plugins such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, which redirect to Jasna Góra's accounts on these media, the cookies of the administrators of these services may collect information related to the user's activity on the site.

9. Users of the site decide on the acceptance of cookies through the appropriate configuration of their web browser settings. Changes to settings are usually available through the "options" or "settings" tab, in the section titled "privacy," "security," or similar, depending on the type of web browser used.

10. Users also have the option to disable the acceptance of cookies in their browser. However, this operation may make it difficult or impossible to continue using the site or selected functions. Changes to the web browser's settings regarding cookies can be made by the user at any time.