Jasna Góra - English – Contact for the Office of the Custodian of the Sanctuary

Contact for the Office of the Custodian of the Sanctuary

May 24, 2024, 8:46 a.m., M L

Office Hours:

From 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays until 1:00 PM) and from 2:15 PM to 6:00 PM


Phone: +48 34 3777 207

Fax: +48 34 365 17 42

Email: kustosz@jasnagora.pl


Custodian of Jasna Góra

Pauline Monastery of Jasna Góra

ul. Kordeckiego 2, 42-225 Częstochowa, Poland

Account for payments in PLN – for mass intentions:

21 1600 1097 0002 3405 5050 0156

Pauline Monastery of Jasna Góra

ul. Kordeckiego 2, 42-225 Częstochowa, Poland

Foreign currency accounts:

USD: PL77 1600 1097 0002 3405 5050 0021

EUR: PL50 1600 1097 0002 3405 5050 0022


BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A.

1st Branch of Częstochowa

ul. ks. Jerzego Popiełuszki 2, 42-200 Częstochowa, Poland


Online payments