Jasna Góra - English – Weddings and Baptisms

Weddings and Baptisms

June 10, 2024, 8:04 a.m., M L

The Sacrament of Marriage at Jasna Góra

– All formalities are handled at the parish of the bride or groom;

– The parish priest issues a license addressed to the custodian of the Jasna Góra Basilica;

– We arrange the planned date of the sacrament of marriage with the custodian either in person or by phone (34 37 77 207);

– If it is to be a so-called concordat marriage (civil and church marriage simultaneously), certificates from the Civil Registry Office are required;

– If it is to be only a church wedding, an extract from the Civil Registry Office about a previously contracted civil marriage is required;

– The mentioned documents can be delivered earlier to the custodian at the Jasna Góra sacristy along with the witnesses' details (name, age, and permanent address) or, if not possible, no later than one hour before the wedding;

– The Marriage Act is recorded one hour before the scheduled wedding time. The newlyweds and witnesses should bring their ID cards for verification;

– Failure to deliver the documents on time will prevent the sacrament of marriage from being conducted on the given date.

The Sacrament of Baptism at Jasna Góra

Required documents:

– A written permission from the parish priest of the place of residence for the baptism at Jasna Góra;

– Godparents must present certificates from their parish priests confirming they can serve as godparents, meaning they are practicing Catholics;

– The child's birth certificate – an extract from the Civil Registry Office (preferably a photocopy);

– The baptism date is arranged personally or by phone with the custodian (34 37 77 207);

– The documents can be submitted earlier to the custodian at the sacristy along with the details of the parents and godparents (name, age, and permanent address) or no later than one hour before the scheduled time of the baptism.