Jasna Góra - English – What to See?

What to See?

June 10, 2024, 8:48 a.m., M L

Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jasna Góra Basilica

These are the central places at Jasna Góra, where sacraments and daily prayers are held. The main altar of the Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary houses the Miraculous Image of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Częstochowa.

Knights' Hall

A hall that has witnessed many historical events, housing commemorative military banners. It is located on the upper floor of the monastery, with the entrance to the left before the Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Rosary Chapel

The Rosary Chapel is located right next to the Chapel of the Miraculous Image. Upon exiting the Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary, turn to the right.

Chapel of St. Joseph

To reach the Chapel of St. Joseph, go through four gates outside of Jasna Góra. After passing through the first entrance gate, known as the Lubomirski Gate, turn to the right.

Treasury, 600th Anniversary Museum

- Visiting Regulations: The security guards and nuns oversee the order of visiting. In all the museum facilities mentioned, photography and filming are prohibited without a special permit issued each time by the Monastery Authorities and the Custodian of Votive Art Collections at Jasna Góra.

- Treasury Hours: Open daily from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (summer season); in winter (November 1 - February 28), open from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

- 600th Anniversary Museum Hours: Open daily from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (summer season); in winter (November 1 - February 28), open from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Bastion of St. Roch – National Memory Treasury

- Hours: Open daily from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (summer season); in winter (November 1 - February 28), open from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.


- "Bogurodzica – Splendor of the Commonwealth of Both Nations" – currently partially unavailable

- "National Uprising 'Solidarity' in the Votive Offerings of Jasna Góra Pilgrims"

- "My Homeland – Polish Roads to Freedom"

- Memorabilia of the Victims of the Smoleńsk Catastrophe

- Exhibition Space at the Bastion of St. Roch:

- "There Would Be No Polish Pope Without Your Faith – St. John Paul II and the Primate of the Millennium Blessed Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński"

- "From Mokra to Monte Cassino – The Path of the 12th Podolian Lancers Regiment"

Bastion of St. Barbara

- Golgotha of the East

- Chapel of the Jasna Góra Mother of Reconciliation

Hall of Father Augustyn Kordecki

- "Polonia" Painting by Antoni Tańsk

Jasna Góra Golgotha

On the upper floor of the Chapel of the Miraculous Image, you will find the Stations of the Cross painted by Jerzy Duda-Gracz. This place is available for prayer and visitation from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM.

Rosary Stations

In the square in front of the summit, on the side of the parks and the Third Avenue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Rosary Stations are located. We encourage you to visit these stations individually or in groups and contemplate the mysteries of the Holy Rosary. They are accessible at any time of day and night.

The Tower

Rises on the western side of the Basilica, along the axis of its main nave, and is one of the tallest church towers in Poland (106.30 m). It is accessible from April to November. Visiting the tower is subject to weather conditions. The tower does not have an elevator, access is on foot; the lower viewing terrace - 170 steps; the upper - 300 steps.

Jasna Góra Ramparts

On the ramparts of Jasna Góra, in the heart of Poland's spiritual capital, you'll find unique Stations of the Cross. It's a place where history, faith, and prayer intertwine into one enriching spiritual journey.