Jasna Góra - English – Accreditations


June 14, 2024, 9:56 a.m., M L

Your Attention Please

We kindly request that editorial offices, institutions, and organizers of pilgrimages and events at Jasna Góra obtain permission (accreditation) from the Jasna Góra Monastery for photographing, filming, and sound recording.

To request permission, please send the following information to the press office email address:

- Event:

- Media coverage - from when to when:

- Last Name:

- First Name:

- Professional Title:

- Phone:

- Email:

- Name of editorial office / institution / media organization:

- Editor-in-chief:

- Type of media: press - radio - television - Internet (please underline)

- Editorial office phone:

- Editorial office website:

- Editorial office email:

- Technical requirements from the monastery:

The above information should be sent to the email address: biuro.prasowe@jasnagora.pl

Thank you for your cooperation.